Preparing a syllabus with Latex on Fedora 26

Latex is is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. It is most often used for medium-to-large technical or scientific documents but it can be used for almost any form of publishing. It was invented by Don Knuth in 1970 to publish a programming book.

First of all, we can install Latex by using the Software Center of Fedora 26. You might do click on Activities, a second click on Software and do a final click on the magnifying glass icon to write Latex on the bar to display TeXstudio:Make sure you have installed it successfully. This is how it will look like:Now open it and you will see three sections at the beginning. Click on File/New to start a new project. Another way is by clicking on the Blank Page icon:To run the “hello world” example, we can click on the Green Play button and to see how our job looks like, click on the magnifying glass icon.

To create a document, we need to define the class as the sequence of characters showed in the following picture; as well to mark the begin and end of our content, in this case, the sentence “Hello world!”Now let’s work with paragraphs and spaces between the lines. You can work with the following commands and see what you got after compiling: By default, the paragraph is indented and if you do not want it in that way, please write \noindent. To start another paragraph, left a line in blank or write \\ and the new paragraph will start it with no indentation. To set a space, use \hspace, and the \pagebreak will leave the page in blank until the next one.

To format the fonts, try this code and check the different features you have:You can set font styles such as bold, italic, underline and huge to make the letter huge, are shown in the document above.

An example of using images, columns and links is shown below: In order to make the image visible use the \usepackage{graphicx}, as well as the columns are set with \usepackage{multicol} and links with hyperref.

Now I will share the code of a syllabus for my class:



\hspace{2cm} \textbf{ CC401: Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria}

\hspace{1cm} \textbf{ SILABO: Programación de Aplicaciones en Redes 2017 - II}


\textbf{Profesora:} Julita Inca Chiroque

\textbf{E- mail:}

\textbf{Horas por semana:} 6 (3 de teoría y 3 de práctica)

\textbf{Condición:} Obligatorio


\noindent \textbf{Objetivos}

El objetivo es que los estudiantes entiendan, aprendan y creen aplicaciones de todo tipo usando nuevas tecnologías Web. Para ello se describirán los diferentes protocolos involucrados en la funcionalidad de las aplicaciones.


\noindent \textbf{Calendario de Actividades}

Semana 1 (Ago . 23-24) : Web Browser GTK

Semana 2 (Ago . 30-31): Arquitectura Web

Semana 3 (Sept . 6-7) : Módulos Node.js

Semana 4 (Sept. 13-14) : Express

Semana 5 (Sept . 20-21): Programación Asíncrona

Semana 6 (Sept . 27-28): Conexión a BD I (MongoDB)

Semana 7 (Oct . 4-5): Conexión a BD II (MongoDB)

Semana 9 (Oct.) : Examen Parcial (EP)

Semana 10 (Oct . 18-19): Seguridad y Auntenticación

Semana 11 (Oct . 25-26): SEMANA UNI

Semana 12 (Nov. 1-2): Feriado)

Semana 13 (Nov. 8-9): Sockets - Parte 1

Semana 14 (Nov. 15-16): Sockets - Parte 2

Semana 15 (Nov. 22-23): Unit Testing

Semana 16 (Nov . 29-30) : Heroku

Semana 17 (Dic.): Examen Final (EF)

Semana 18 (Dic.): Examen Sustitutorio (ES)


{\tiny * Tanto para los feriados y la Semana de la Universidad se dejaran trabajos domiciliarios}

\noindent \textbf{Evaluación}

 \item Se establecen en total 4 practicas y se eliminara la práctica con menor nota. En total se promediaran 3 practicas para tener la nota de Promedio de Prácticas (PP).

\item Se tomaran en total 4 notas de labotario y se eliminará la práctica con menor nota. En total se promediaran 3 notas de laboratorio para tener la nota de Promedio de Laboratorio (PL).
 \item Se tomará un examen parcial (EP), un examen final (EF)
 \item Se tomará un examen sustitorio (ES) que sustituirá la nota más baja, sea del EF o del EP.
 \item La nota final (NF) se obtendrá como se indica en la ecuación [1] 
 NF = (PP + PL + EF + EP )/4 
\noindent \textbf{Consideraciones}

 \item Tiempo de tolerancia de ingreso a clases: 15 minutos
 \item La evaluación es contante, se reflejará todo el trabajo de los alumnos y de la profesora Julita Inca Chiroque, en el Aula Virtual Insitucional de la UNI.

\item A solicitud de la Escuela, se estará teniendo en cuenta la asistencia a las clases y se registrará en el aplicativo de ORCE.

\item Si se detecta plagio en los trabajos domiciliarios se colocará 0A en el promedio de Practicas o de Laboratorio, según corresponda.

\noindent \textbf{Referencias Bibliográficas}\\
 \item Caio Ribeiro Pereira Building APIs with Node.js

\item Jörg Krause (auth.) Programming Web Applications with Node, Express and Pug

\item Rick L. Express.js: Guide Book on Web framework for Node.js

\item David Gonzalez Developing Microservices with Node.js


\noindent \color {red}Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. – R. Collier

  • There are two Free Latex online products with lots of templates and material to practice, such as ShareLatex and Overleaf

About Julita Inca

System Engineering degree at UNAC, Computer Science Masters at PUCP, High Performance Masters at University of Edinburgh, Winner OPW GNOME 2011, GNOME Foundation member since 2012, Fedora Ambassador since 2012, winner of the Linux Foundation scholarship 2012, Linux Admin at GMD 2012, IT Specialist at IBM 2013. Academia experience in lecturing at PUCP, USIL and UNI Peru (2010-2018). HPC intern at ORNL 2018. HPC Software Specialist at UKAEA since 2020. Tech Certifications: RHCE, RHCSA, AIX 6.1, AIX 7 Administrator, and ITILv3. Leader of LinuXatUNI Community, Creator of the "Mujeres Imperfectas | I'm perfect woman" channel, Reviewer of the Technological Magazine of ESPOL-RTE, Online trainer at BackTrackAcademy, blogger, photographer, IT-Linux-HPC-science worldwide speaker, graphic designer, researcher, content creator, press communicator... a simple mortal, just like you!
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